At home with Briar + Baby Benjamin

Gillian's maternity session was not that long ago, her wedding was just last summer + it makes my heart smile like you've never seen to see this darling family become 4. Baby Benjamin is too cute for words! Here is Benjamin's day in the life session at home, newborn style. xo 

Joannie + her boys. // Toronto newborn photographer

Joannie + her boys, at home, doing what families do. I snapped that portrait of her a few years back when Aaron was a wee baby, it warmed my heart to find it at the entrance of the home, where they glance at it anytime they walk through the door. Time flies, life changes. And now she has two baby boys. xo 

Twin A + Twin B // Toronto family photographer

I got schooled in the princess category with these two. Twins, sisters + best friends,  just as they were when I photographed them at 8months. xo